5 трофеев для Fallout: New Vegas - NVDLC02 Trophies DLC (PS3)

Трофей «In a Foreign Land» в игре Fallout: New Vegas для PS3
In a Foreign Land
Scouted the Zion Valley for signs of the White Legs.
Трофей «When We Remembered Zion» в игре Fallout: New Vegas для PS3
When We Remembered Zion
Arrived at Zion.
Трофей «O Daughter of Babylon» в игре Fallout: New Vegas для PS3
O Daughter of Babylon
Crushed the White Legs.
Трофей «Restore Our Fortunes» в игре Fallout: New Vegas для PS3
Restore Our Fortunes
Resupplied Daniel and the Sorrows.
Трофей «May my Hand Forget its Skill» в игре Fallout: New Vegas для PS3
May my Hand Forget its Skill
Evacuated Zion.